Informing young people in rural areas of Shkodra, via the help of the congregations of Shkodra Catholic Church, an opportunity to prevent human trafficking

21 June

Awareness rising on human trafficking is one of the main components of fighting this phenomenon. Together Albania Foundation organized a fruitful meeting with youngsters of the city of Shkodra and surrounding rural areas, which aimed at informing the youth, building their awareness and empowering them against human trafficking. The meeting was organized in close collaboration with congregates of the Catholic Church of Shkodra, who work in this region and have good knowledge of the challenges faced by the locals.

Meeting with nuns and local youngster aimed at imparting helpful information, particularly for youth with limited access to technology and Internet, but who may benefit from the online platform and share it with their peers and children at risk. Furthermore, significant focus was focused to mental health, the approach of ‘asking for help’, stigma reduction, and awareness raising about the new ways of trafficking. The discussion was interactive and the young participants were introduced to the online counseling service as a safe area where they may address their questions and ask expert psycho-emotional support for free and anonymously.

The youngsters were taught how to use the online platform, how to seek assistance by sending queries or having direct talks with psychologists during dedicated hours. The young individuals interacted with one another and shared their experiences. One of the participants, A. L. a 19-year-old, stated that: “in the area where I live there are numerous obstacles to seek help because the stigma is very high”.

Together Albania Foundation remains determined to stand by and support youngsters through the online platform as well as through in-person meetings. është një webfaqe këshilluese për të rinjtë shqiptarë.

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